Friday, July 15, 2011

Blogging Yvonne? ...really?

This is new...never saw this coming but I figure I can give it a try. Why? Because I love to talk. Not just, talk to communicate, but talk to TALK! All my close friends and family can attest to this...some more than others. I consider it one of my strengths, the 'gift of gab' I have developed into my second profession. My husband, God bless his soul, is not so much the talker. He is a pretty good listener, but us professional talkers need interaction. We thrive on nitty gritty details, with wild body language, and the ever prompting "REALLY?", "NO HE DIDN'T!", "AWWW HELL NAAW!". And in a nutshell, that just ain't his thing.
So I find myself randomly talking to myself and my girls. Which you would think is therapeutic...but it isn't. First of all, have you ever said something to a 2 year old and gotten honest feedback?Those with children know where I am going with this... Even if you DID, don't expect your conversation to be private in any way-shape-or form. Talking to toddlers is like a game of raquet ball... in a matter of seconds, that ball will be back in your court with double the force.  I used to yearn for the day I could hold a conversation with my girls- not so much now:) My girls will spill the beans to any unsuspecting soul at Dairy Queen if you give them the chance. If I turn my back for a moment, all I hear is, "...and then Mommy said 'I spank your butt' and I cry. And, And, And...mommy- my mom...she Yvonne and my dad Tim, etc" *cringe* Apparently they are professional talkers as well.  So I have to find a new way to release.
Recently, I have had some significant transitions in my life...moving to Arizona, having my third daughter, separating from the Army, getting a civilian job...all healthy, exciting changes and I want to share these candid moments with you. I miss the days when I can just SIT DOWN with a margarita and my close girlfriends and bitch, reflect, or resolve. Being in the military makes it hard to maintain close friendships but I am lucky enough to still have a handful. So, in my deepest Army voice... let's make it happen! :) LOL...Welcome to my life! The moments of a wife and mommy with multiples Plus one!


  1. Great start!!! Next time we are together, we need to go out and talk! Keep up the post!!! Love it!!!

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging! I'm pretty sure I haven't wrote on mine since the baby. I think you are actually in one of my posts! Not by name...I just mentioned that I borrowed one of my coworkers bras the day I forgot mine ;)

  3. Vonnie, I'm so glad you started a blog. You crack me up and it's refreshing to read a blog that isn't entirely "my children are always perfect and precious"...I'm not a mom yet, but someday when I am, I'm sure I'll have some of these moments, too. I love the honesty. Keep it comin'!

  4. LOVE IT! I agree with Jess....glad it isn't about how perfect and precious your kids are....However!~ they are pretty awesome and I can't wait to meet them. You are and continue to be "superwoman". Raising three GIRLS....I will let you know how raising a boy is....but I have a feeling girls are harder!
    MISS YOU! Can't wait to see you, hopefully soon!
    <3 Beck

  5. I absolutely love crack me up on Facebook with every status update. You are real as it get and you give the good, the bad and the ugly...I'm totally looking forward to reading your blogs.
